Production of artifacts are on hold and will not be shipped out

  • Contribute to the Creation of Family-Devoted Adventures

  • Game and activities design for Family and Community upliftment, support, and unity. Family-Devoted Adventures blend behavioral education, goal setting, and imaginative, meaningful, fun activities for families to do together
  • Play Grey Tavern Games

  • Come to the Grey Tavern location and play our family-focused games: a blend of education, behavioral development of children, goal setting, and, of course, family fun!
  • Volunteer

  • Help the Grey Tavern grow by assisting in game making, lore congruency, bar keeping, inviting friends to play Grey Tavern games, and so much more!

Contribute to the Creation of Family-Devoted Adventures

Game and activities design for Family and Community upliftment, support, and unity. Family-Devoted Adventures blend behavioral education, goal setting, and imaginative, meaningful, fun activities for families to do together Contribute

Play Grey Tavern Games

Come to the Grey Tavern location and play our family-focused games: a blend of education, behavioral development of children, goal setting, and, of course, family fun! Reserve a Time


Help the Grey Tavern grow by assisting in game making, lore congruency, bar keeping, inviting friends to play Grey Tavern games, and so much more! Start Volunteering

What is the Grey Tavern?

Come, Play a Game!

Volunteer with the Grey Tavern

Family Volunteers

Much of The Grey Tavern is designed for families - to support, uplift, and unify.

As such, it only makes sense that families have unique opportunities for assisting with The Grey Tavern's charitable mission.

These are aligned to help a family not only assist The Grey Tavern but to participate in and do actvities and projects that interest them as family and support family goals and initiatives.

Start Volunteering

Volunteering Opportunities for Friend, Work, or Initiative Groups

The Grey Tavern offers various forms of community volunteer opportunities for all types of groups and interests.

Whether your a group of friends who enjoy doing projects together, or learning new things together, or experiencing new things together, or creating experiences for others- all are welcome!

All we ask is that your bring your creativity, your group's skills and talents, and your drive to assist with furthering The Grey Tavern's charitable mission within your local community

Start Volunteering

8 Volunteering Types

The Volunteering Types the Grey Tavern offers is aligned to the 8 donation types we accept.

Everyone has different talents, different time commitments, different resources. So, to empower everyone to contribute in the way they can (every donation type is greatly valued by The Grey Tavern), we set up the 8 donation types.

These donation or volunteering types are rewarded through Dragon Merit Points. In other words, your contributions can equate to Grey Tavern dragons that you can collect, grow their power, etc.

Donation/ Volunteering Types

Contribution Paths

By contributing funds to The Grey Tavern, you empower it to move forward in a stronger, faster, and better manner. This will allow us to:

- Produce family and community games at a faster rate

- Release key behavioral resources to help parents see the purpose behind games and initiatives for their children

- And much more

These Contribution Paths have rewards directly benefiting game resources and aesthetics that The Grey Tavern gives you based on which path you chose.

Select a Contribution Path

Veracity and Dragon Merit: How to Earn Dragons and Dragon Artifacts through Playing Games and Volunteering

Learn more about Veracity and Dragon Merit